I worked at Misix
between January, 2015 and July, 2017. The company is now
defunct. My primary role was a general-purpose developer,
writing scripts and programs to help a marketing agency work
better. Some things I touched were strategies for modeling
economics, sending large amounts of transactional email,
suggesting recommendations of totaled cars, explored dataflow
processing including writing a web application, from scratch, to
show it, and learned to ride a unicycle.
As the days grew older, I found myself far less interested in making portal websites (and sick of web fads altogether) and so I quit. I began working at Stack41 the following Monday.

Work Examples
- D3vie: A Tabular Dataflow Editor, Processor, and Visualization Tool
- Sale Price Probability Estimator
- Building a Recommender System For At-Auction Vehicles
- Group Split: A Chunker for the Recommendation Engine
- Anaylzing Milwaukee Bikeshare Data
- A script that cleaned and imported CSV data from an email inbox.
- Price scrapers: Bloomberg, Copart, LKQ, PAP, WSJ
Reviews From My Manager