DR Bow Tie Company
In December of 2012, I started making bow ties. I was staying
at home, not going to college, and was severely depressed. I
kept busy with little projects, and I made this one alongside Wirks. From a web form, I sewed custom
bow ties for people nice enough to buy them.
I wrote the site entirely from scratch (as I usually do) HTML and CSS, with a sprinkling of Javascript. At the top of the site was a selection of pre-made bows: things I had in-stock. Those retailed for $30. Below those, was a bow selector.
When someone picked out a type on the selector, the bow diagram would smoothly morph into its shape. I accomplished this by drawing my bow templates in SVG, using the same number of nodes for each type. Then, the nodes are translated from their positions when selecting between types. I was going after a kind-hearted vibe. Next to the selector was a place for material choice and comments.
I no longer sell ties, but one can see the site as-it-was, here.